
Vitalik Buterin Declares Crypto Has Moved Beyond Its Early Stage

18.09.2024 17:30 1min. read Kosta Gushterov
Vitalik Buterin Declares Crypto Has Moved Beyond Its Early Stage

At the Token2049 conference in Singapore, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin discussed the evolution of cryptocurrencies, stating that the industry has moved beyond its early phase.

He emphasized that both Ethereum and Bitcoin, which have been around for over a decade, have outgrown the initial developmental stage.

Buterin highlighted that cryptocurrencies are now in a transformative phase, shaped by technological advancements like ChatGPT. He argued that the benefits of crypto outweigh similar technological innovations and suggested that the sector is well past its formative years.

Regarding Ethereum’s future, Buterin outlined a 10-year vision focusing on mainstream adoption while preserving decentralization. His goals include improving wallet security, payment systems, privacy tools, and advancing Ethereum’s layer-1 blockchain.

He also shared a personal anecdote about his attempt to use ETH for a coffee purchase in Argentina, which was hindered by high transaction fees and slow processing times.

Buterin believes Ethereum has significant potential to enhance technological progress and contribute to a more robust global financial system.


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