
Survey Reveals Women in Crypto Make More Than Their Male Peers

31.07.2024 15:00 1min. read Alexander Stefanov
Survey Reveals Women in Crypto Make More Than Their Male Peers

A recent report highlights an unusual trend in the cryptocurrency sector: women are earning higher median salaries than their male colleagues, defying the typical gender pay disparity.

The study, conducted by Pantera Research Lab, shows that U.S. women working full-time in crypto earn a median salary of $172,000, whereas men earn $150,000. This is a reversal of the usual pay gap seen in most industries, where women generally earn less than men.

Pantera’s analysts, Matt Stephenson, Ally Zach, and Nick Zurck, observed that this wage gap reversal in the crypto industry reflects a positive move toward gender equality in this emerging field. Typically, women earn around 84 cents for every dollar men make in other sectors.

The survey, which gathered insights from 502 U.S. employees between June 4 and July 20, 2024, suggests that the higher earnings for women in crypto may be linked to their longer tenure and greater presence in senior roles compared to their male counterparts, who are often in entry-level positions.

However, the study also points out that women still face significant barriers in the industry. For instance, only three of the top 50 cryptocurrency CEOs in 2023 were women. Despite these challenges, the crypto industry offers competitive salaries for both men and women compared to many other professions.


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