
Worldcoin Launches Token Unlocking Program

24.07.2024 15:00 1min. read Kosta Gushterov
Worldcoin Launches Token Unlocking Program

Worldcoin (WLD) is set to launch a significant token unlocking program on July 24 that will gradually unlock 2.38 billion WLDs worth approximately $5.54 billion over the next four years.

According to these numbers, an average of 1.63 million WLDs will be unlocked daily.

In anticipation of this, Worldcoin has already transferred 990 million WLDs to an address beginning with the 0x2E3 designation and allocated an additional 494 million WLDs to 222 addresses. This strategic move is intended to facilitate a smooth transition once the unlock process begins.

Worldcoin ‘s tokenomics have recently faced criticism, particularly regarding its low float rate. Also, according to the information, Worldcoin has the lowest “float” ratio among the top 300 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, amounting to 0.02.

This ratio represents the ratio between a cryptocurrency’s market value and its fully diluted market value (FDV). Cryptocurrencies with low float ratios (market value/FDV ratios below 0.51) have a significant portion of the token supply not yet unlocked, which may lead to future volatility as unlocked tokens enter the market.


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