
Web3 Professionals Remain Optimistic Despite Regulatory Uncertainty

11.09.2024 18:00 1min. read Alexander Stefanov
Web3 Professionals Remain Optimistic Despite Regulatory Uncertainty

Despite regulatory uncertainties surrounding the upcoming 2024 US presidential election, Web3 professionals remain highly optimistic about the industry’s future.

According to a recent ConsenSys report, over 86% of these professionals are positive about Web3’s prospects.

Sarah Howe, ConsenSys’ executive director of talent acquisition, attributes this optimism to the transformative potential of Web3 technology. Howe highlighted that Web3 professionals are motivated by the core values of decentralization, freedom, innovation, transparency, and self-sovereignty. This sense of mission and the opportunity to make a significant impact drive their enthusiasm.

Currently, over 75% of Web3 workers are still employed within the industry, a sign of strong commitment and ongoing innovation in the blockchain space. Only a third of these workers are primarily motivated by employee benefits.

In an interesting development, most Web3 professionals would like a larger portion of their salary in cryptocurrency. While 67% are paid entirely in fiat, only 10% receive their salary in crypto. Additionally, 30% are satisfied with fiat payments, but 51% prefer a mix of fiat and crypto, with only 13% favoring a purely crypto salary.

The survey, conducted by YouGov for ConsenSys, involved 30 Web3 organizations, including the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, the Blockchain Association, and the Texas Blockchain Council.


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