
Someone is Attempting to Break into Mt. Gox Accounts Amid Payouts

18.07.2024 11:35 1 min. read Kosta Gushterov
Someone is Attempting to Break into Mt. Gox Accounts Amid Payouts

Amidst the ongoing payment of the money owed to the affected users in the Mt.Gox hack, attempts have been registered for unauthorized access to their accounts.

A Reddi user posted the following statement:

I just received 15 login notifications. Now I cannot access my account. Is Mt. Gox under attack?… Fortunately, you cannot change the payee information at this point. I am still receiving account login emails. 22 attempts so far.

More than fifteen other users have also reported similar notifications indicating that an unidentified person is attempting to gain access to their Mt. Gox accounts, presumably to control and withdraw any holdings.

Additionally, the Mt. Gox claims portal was noted as “temporarily down for maintenance.

Another user mentioned previous attack attempts targeting his Mt. Gox account, suggesting that accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA) are likely protected:

I would assume that some attacker has a record of many Gox emails and is trying to brute force his way in. This has happened before. As long as you have 2FA, you should be fine.


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