
Ripple CTO David Schwartz Unveils XRP Ledger Node Upgrade

20.07.2024 12:00 1min. read Kosta Gushterov
Ripple CTO David Schwartz Unveils XRP Ledger Node Upgrade

Ripple CTO David Schwartz recently highlighted an essential reminder from RippleX for all XRP Ledger node operators: upgrading to the latest version of rippled is crucial for service continuity.

The newly released version 2.2.0 of rippled (the server software for the XRP Ledger) includes performance improvements, several bug fixes, and five new amendments open for voting.

Key Features and Amendments

  • featurePriceOracle Amendment: Introduces a price oracle to the XRP Ledger, enabling access to real-world data like market prices to enhance decentralized applications’ functionality.
  • fixEmptyDID Amendment: Ensures Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) are not empty when created. If a DID is empty, an error is returned, maintaining the integrity of these identifiers.
  • fixXChainRewardRounding Amendment: Ensures reward shares are always rounded down, making the reward system fairer and more predictable.
  • fixPreviousTxnID Amendment: Adds new tracking fields to all ledger entries lacking them previously. These fields improve transaction verification, enhancing the ledger’s transparency and reliability.
  • fixAMMv1_1 Amendment: Addresses issues with automated market maker (AMM) offers, ensuring smoother operation and better efficiency. This amendment prevents low-quality order book offers from blocking the AMM, thereby improving market functionality.

Node operators are encouraged to upgrade to ensure they benefit from these enhancements and maintain network integrity.


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