
Cardano Skyrockets 130% in Less Than Two Weeks – What Could be Behind the Surge?

17.11.2024 11:00 1 min. read Alexander Stefanov
Cardano Skyrockets 130% in Less Than Two Weeks – What Could be Behind the Surge?

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, recently highlighted the critical impact of the Cardano community on the network's evolution.

He praised its members as the “best entrepreneurs,” noting that the recent Voltaire upgrade has granted users greater power in shaping the network’s governance, helping them build a more autonomous and decentralized system.

Hoskinson’s comments were in response to a post from a developer who shared their personal sacrifice, having sold everything, including their home, to work on Cardano. The developer’s deep commitment underscores the passion driving many in the community.

The Voltaire upgrade, part of the final phase of Cardano’s roadmap, introduced a major shift toward decentralization. This upgrade enables users to engage directly in the governance process, voting on decisions that guide Cardano’s future development. With the addition of a voting and treasury system, Cardano aims to reduce centralization and empower its community members to play an active role.

This sense of ownership is helping foster confidence in Cardano’s future. The recent surge in the price of ADA, which jumped 134% in less than two weeks, suggests that the community’s growing involvement is positively impacting the project’s outlook.


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