Maker Kurs in USD: |
$924.717 |
Maker Kurs in USD: |
$924.717 |
Maker MKR is the native token for Maker and is backed by Ether, not fiat currency. It’s basically a simple banking system built on blockchain technology that allows for simpler international payments and peer-to-peer transfers. DAI is a robust token designed alongside fractional banking ideals and connected to Maker MKR. Simply put, it is a safe haven that aims to avoid the volatility of the underlying market.
One of the biggest obstacles to cryptocurrency adoption as a currency is volatile pricing. Bitcoin, for example, has fluctuated in price from $6,000 to $17,000 in 2018 alone. No one wants to spend $10,000 on a seemingly worthless cryptocurrency for a few pizzas one day, only to see the price spike to over $100 million the next. Maker DAI is a stablecoin designed to deal with this volatility.
Tether (USDT) is perhaps the best known stablecoin, but it is at the center of much controversy. Critics and regulators doubt that it is backed by fiat currency as its creators claim, although a recent report (not an audit) provided evidence that the coin was backed by dollars.
Either way Tether lacks transparency, has a strong relationship with the Bitfinex exchange and was allegedly used to manipulate the price of Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency) in 2017.
MakerDAO (founded by CEO Rune Christensen) takes a different approach to stabilizing DAI, using its own MKR token. It’s an interesting approach that closely follows reserve banking, where a bank is required to hold only a portion of its deposit liabilities.
DAI’s collateral is not the US dollar or another fiat currency – a Ethereum, and the entire system is built on blockchain technology and a smart contract ecosystem.
Santiment, ein Analyseunternehmen für Kryptowährungen, hat eine Reihe von Altcoins hervorgehoben, die in der vergangenen Woche einen bemerkenswerten Anstieg der Wal-Transaktionen erlebt haben.
El Salvadors Bitcoin-Politik entwickelt sich weiter, da Präsident Nayib Bukele das Krypto-Gesetz des Landes ändert, um es an die Anforderungen des IWF anzupassen.
Der Market Maker Wintermute meldet einen deutlichen jährlichen Anstieg der Aktivitäten traditioneller Finanzunternehmen auf seinem OTC-Handelsplatz um 240% und signalisiert damit eine Verschiebung in der Krypto-Handelslandschaft.
Nach sechs Jahren Betrieb stellt die NFT-Plattform MakersPlace ihren Dienst ein und begründet dies mit anhaltenden Marktschwierigkeiten und Finanzierungsproblemen.