XRP price in USD: |
$2.448 |
XRP price in USD: |
$2.448 |
XRP is a cryptocurrency that is managed by the XRP Ledger, a blockchain developed by Jed McCaleb, Arthur Brito and David Schwartz.
Ripple is a real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system that is a dedicated network for money transfers, currency exchanges and remittances. Launched in 2012, it was created by US-based technology company Ripple Labs Inc. and is validated by independent servers.
Jed McCaleb, an American programmer and entrepreneur, originally conceived the idea for Ripple in 2011 and gave it the name OpenCoin a year later. Prior to that, he founded Mt. Gox, a company with the vision of being a card exchange for the notorious game ‘Magic: The Gathering’, which became an influential and famous exchange for Bitcoin.
XRP, its cryptocurrency, was launched in the same year, with 80 billion tokens given to the company and 20 billion to its co-founders. The purpose of XRP was to serve as an intermediary mechanism for exchange between two currencies or networks. In September 2013, OpenCoin became Ripple Labs.
Ripple describes itself as a global payments network and counts major banks and financial services among its customers.
By 2018, more than 100 banks had signed up to use Ripple, though most of them use the messaging capabilities of the infrastructure rather than the XRP cryptocurrency itself.
In 2020, as part of a lawsuit against Ripple, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) classified XRP as a security, not a commodity, and alleged that Ripple’s management allowed the sale of unregistered securities.
Unlike other forms of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, Ripple is not composed of a blockchain, but of a so-called “hash tree”. XRP can’t be mined because it has a limited number of coins: 100 billion.
Ripple works like a blockchain because multiple nodes (nodes) are used to process a transaction. The payment process involves someone sending a transaction, information that gets a single value and is sent to a shared public database, validating servers or nodes that share the information, and – if individual servers report a match – the transaction is authorized and processed.
The reason the system is not similar to Bitcoin is that it does not include proof of work (whereby a miner in the Bitcoin blockchain completes a complex equation to show the work before the block is accepted into the chain). In contrast, Ripple’s model is based on consensus. Once consensus is reached, the transaction is cleared. For this reason, Ripple’s network can process 1,500 transactions per second, while Bitcoin can process between three and six such transactions.
Furthermore, Ripple is not exactly decentralized in the way that the Ethereum network is decentralized, for example. The developers have some control over a mechanism that protects the system from malicious operators, but this also means that Ripple can technically control which servers are accepted into the network (making it a central authority). This is why some would even say that XRP is not a real or standard cryptocurrency.
Disadvantages of Ripple
There are numerous cryptocurrency exchanges and marketplaces that range from easy-to-use systems to complex dashboards for advanced traders.
Because XRP is so popular, you’ll be able to purchase the token on most cryptocurrency exchanges, but it’s advisable to stick to a few of the more popular exchanges like Binance, Kraken, Coinbase, etc. Different platforms come with different fees, security measures, and may include other features, so it’s a good idea to do your research before signing up.
Start with account registration, which is completely free on the above platforms. For added security, 2FA – two-factor authentication is also enabled. That way, you and your device are the only ones who can grant access to the account.
You are then taken through a KYC process, which is providing personal information – ID card/passport/driving license details, proof of address (e.g. bank statement or utility bill).
After completing these steps, you are ready to buy, sell and trade XRP as well as take advantage of various services such as steaming.
Once your account has been registered and verified, you need to fund the account to start taking advantage of the platform’s buying and trading services.
The main deposit options are:
On Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, deposits are absolutely free.
XRP 帳本的開發人員已對網路進行了重大更新,目的是為了適應其不斷增長的普及性,並提高用戶的可及性。
最近 XRP 備受關注,尤其是 Bitwise Asset Management 大膽推出 XRP 現貨 ETF。
XRP 以其在低成本跨境支付中的作用而聞名,其活動已經復甦,XRP 帳本 (XRPL) 上的活躍帳戶創下了 7 個月來的新高。
總部位於舊金山的 Ripple 為銀行和金融科技公司推出了加密貨幣託管服務,這與美聯儲對提供加密貨幣託管解決方案的傳統銀行加強審查不謀而合。